*One Chromebook per Frontier Fundamental Internet order and per household (while supplies last).
Must subscribe to services with maximum speed range of 1.61 Mbps to 12 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload, or Fiber Internet speed of 30 Mbps download and 30 Mbps upload or FiOS Internet speed of 50 Mbps download and 50 Mbps upload, depending upon availability at your location.
FRONTIER FUNDAMENTAL INTERNET OFFER: Limited-time offer for qualifying households in California with at least one resident who participates in one of the following programs. Offer is for broadband service only. U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (CalFresh), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medi-Cal, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA). Frontier Fundamental Internet available only to new Internet customers. Equipment fee, taxes, other fees and applicable surcharges extra. Taxes and fees subject to change. Customer must establish eligibility every two years or upon request. If customer fails to do so, then service and equipment will be charged at then-current standard rates. Service speed is not guaranteed and will depend on many factors. Service subject to availability. Installation fees waived on new Frontier Fundamental Internet service. Standard charges apply for jack installation, wiring and other additional services. Activation fees and delivery charge are waived. A $9.99 broadband processing fee upon disconnection of service applies. New Frontier customers may be subject to a deposit requirement. The Frontier Fundamental Internet discount is specific to Frontier, and not available through other providers. Chromebook is a trademark of Google LLC. ©2020 Frontier Communications Corporation.
Frontier is following applicable CDC and state required procedures to protect against COVID-19 transmission. For more information, please click here.
Troubleshoot Internet Issues. If you're having trouble connecting to the internet, try these tools and tips. Should you reboot? If you have no connection, check to see if there is a service outage in your area before. Read the Article. Leave your own status update below, or see those left by others that reveal major Internet outages due to Level 3 problems. You can access an outage map for this company at the official maps. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) maintains the official registry of HTTP status codes. All HTTP response status codes are separated into five classes or categories. The first digit of the status code defines the class of response, while the last two digits do not have any classifying or categorization role.
The Internet is in constant change so needless to say also the facts and stats may differ from each other from one year to another.
The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.
Rather than leave you with old or irrelevant data to reference and share, we regularly revisit and revise our list of Internet statistics.
In the following Internet Stats & Facts for 2020, we've rounded up all the important data related to:
Internet Statistics 2020
1. There are 7.77 billion people in the world. (Worldometer), 4.54 billion of them are active Internet users. (Statista)
2. Asia has the largest percentage of Internet users by continent/region. Of all people using the Internet:
- 50.3% are in Asia
- 15.9% are in Europe
- 11.5% are in Africa
- 10.1% are in Latin America and the Caribbean
- 7.6% are in North America
- 3.9% are in the Middle East
- 0.6% are in Oceania and Australia
(Internet World Stats)
3. Kuwait is the country with the highest penetration of Internet users, with 99.6%. (Internet World Stats)
6. The United States has the third-highest number of Internet users by country, with 293 million. (Statista)
7. Users of all ages use the Internet in the U.S. However, a greater percentage of younger users are online:
- 100% of 18- to 29-year-olds
- 97% of 30- to 49-year-olds
- 88% of 50- to 64-year-olds
- 73% of 65-year-olds and older
8. More users access the Internet with a Chrome browser (64.45%) than any other browser. (statcounter)
9. More users access the Internet with an Android device (38.9%) than any other desktop or mobile device. (statcounter)
10. The average Internet user spends 6.5 hours online every day. (We Are Social Global Digital Report 2019)
11. For every second of the day, there are 88,555 GB of Internet traffic. (Internet live stats)
12. The average Internet connection speed is 11.03 Mbps. (Seasia 2019)
Mobile Internet Statistics and Facts 2020
13. There are 4.18 billion mobile Internet users. (Statista) Spin to win phone.
14. Over half of all Google search visits (61%) take place on a mobile device. (Statista)
15. On average, there are 40.77 exabytes of mobile traffic every month. (Statista)
16. 29.15 petabytes of that monthly traffic comes from video. (Statista)
17. The average mobile Internet connection speed is 17.6 Mbps. South Korea has the fastest Internet speeds with 52.4 Mbps. (OpenSignal The State of Mobile Experience 2019)
18. In the U.S., smartphone users spend an average of 3 hours 49 minutes on their devices every day. (eMarketer) Stanley garage door 7200 51 instruction manual.
19. 90% of mobile time is spent on mobile apps. (eMarketer)
20. There are millions of apps in mobile app stores:
- 2,570,000 in Google Play Store
- 1,840,000 in Apple App Store
- 669,000 in Windows Store
- 489,000 in Amazon Appstore
21. In 2019 alone, there were 204 billion mobile app downloads. (Statista)
22. 25% of those apps were only used once though. (Statista)
23. It's estimated that mobile apps will generate $581.9 billion worldwide in 2020. (Statista)
Domain Name Statistics 2020
24. The first domain name was symbolics.com, registered in 1985. (Wikipedia)
25. The most expensive domain name sold (that was publicly reported) was Voice.com for $30 million. (Wikipedia)
26. There are 362.3million registered domain names. (VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Q3 2019)
27. The most popular top-level domain (TLD) is .com with 145.4 million. (VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Q3 2019)
28. There are in total of 161.8 million registered country code TLD (ccTLD). (VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Q3 2019)
29. The fastest-growing general TLD (gTLD) is .icu, which 6,330,341 registered domains use. (NameStat)
Web Hosting/Website Statistics and Facts 2020
30.Tim Berners-Lee created the first web server (called CERN HTTPd) and the first website at https://info.cern.ch/. (Wikipedia)
31. The 3 most popular web hosting companies are:
- Amazon
- Endurance Group (parent company of HostGator, Bluehost, and more)
32. The United States is home to more web servers than any other country, with 42.8%. (W3Techs)
33. There are 1.75 billion websites. (Internet Live Stats) Luxor free game play.
34. 59.9% of all websites use HTTPS. (W3Techs)
35. 44.1% of all websites use HTTP/2. (W3Techs)
36. These are the top 3 languages used on websites:
- English: 59.3%
- Russian: 8.2%
- Spanish: 4.3%
37. The average transfer size of a website is:
- Desktop: 1,957.8 KB
- Mobile: 1,791.9 KB
(HTTP Archive)
38. The average mobile page takes 9.3 seconds to load Email archiver enterprise 3 8 4. (until interactive). (HTTP Archive)
39. Mobile visitors are 123% more likely to bounce from a mobile website if it takes 10 seconds to load (as opposed to 1 second). (Think with Google)
40.WordPress is the leading content management system with 63% market share and 36.2% of all websites built with it. (W3Techs)
Web Search Statistics 2020
41. Google holds the majority market share of all search engine activity, with 92.07%. (statcounter)
42. Google generated $160.74 billion in revenue in 2019. (Statista)
43. $134.81 billion of Google's annual revenue in 2019 came from ads. (Statista)
44. Google receives about 40,000 search queries every second. (Internet Live Stats)
45. Google has indexed hundreds of billions of web pages. It estimates that the Google Search Index contains over 100,000,000 gigabytes of data. (Google)
46. Beginning July 1, 2019, Google indexes all websites using a mobile-first algorithm. (Google Developers)
47. More than half (50.33%) of all Google searches result in zero clicks. (SparkToro)
Internet Advertising Trends 2020
48.66% of companies use online advertising and do so through a variety of channels. The most popular are:
- Social media ads: 86%
- Display ads: 80%
- Paid search marketing: 66%
- Retargeted ads: 43%
(The Manifest)
49. The greatest share of ad spend (for all media) goes to the following:
- Television: 29%
- Paid search: 17%
- Social media: 13%
(Zenith Media)
50. U.S. businesses generated over $100 billion from advertising in 2018. (Statista)
51. 65% of that revenue came from mobile advertising efforts. (Statista)
52. 6.85% of all Google desktop search clicks and 11.38% of mobile are on paid ads. (SparkToro/Jumpshot)
53. 20.3% of consumers have never purchased anything after seeing an ad for it in search or on social media. (Statista)
54. More commonly, 37.9% of consumers will buy something a quarter of the time that they see an ad. (Statista)
55.Nearly 50% of consumers had an ad blocker installed on at least one device in 2018. Here's the geographic breakdown:
- APAC: 50%
- MEA: 49%
- North America: 45%
- Latin America: 44%
- Europe: 40%
(GlobalWebIndex Global Ad-Blocking Behavior infographic)
56. The top 3 reasons consumers give for using ad blockers are:
- Too many ads: 48%
- Ads are annoying or irrelevant: 47%
- Ads are too intrusive: 44%
(GlobalWebIndex Global Ad-Blocking Behavior infographic)
57. It's estimated that businesses will lose $16 billion in 2020 if they put ad-blocking countermeasures in place. If they don't, they stand to lose $78 billion. (Digiday/Ovum)
E-Commerce Statistics 2020
58. There are 2.05 billion people who shop online. (Statista)
59.47% of all global retail sales are made online. (Think with Google)
60. In Q1 2019, 28% of online sales took place on mobile devices. (comScore State of Retail)
61. In 2019, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 3.53 trillion US dollars. (Statista)
62. The top 100 online marketplaces sold $203 trillion in goods in 2019. (Digital Commerce 360 2019 ecommerce in review report)
63. Amazon alone sold $275.86 billion in goods. $160 billion of it came from marketplace merchants. (Digital Commerce 360 2019 ecommerce in review report)
64. File system for both mac and windows. 83% of U.S. consumers leveraged data from e-commerce websites to inform their retail shopping experiences. (Think with Google)
65. The average online order value varies depending on the device:
- Desktop: $128.08
- Mobile: $96.88
- Tablet: $86.47
- Other: $80.06
66.50% of consumers say free shipping is the #1 factor when deciding whether to make a purchase. Djay pro 2 2 0 3. (comScore State of Retail)
Social Media Statistics 2020
Internet Status 4 98
67. There are 3.8 billion active social media users around the globe. (Statista)
68. Consumers spend an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes every day on social media and messaging apps. (GlobalWebIndex Social Media Trends 2020)
69. The 3 most popular social media and messaging platforms are (in millions):
- Facebook with 2,449,000 users
- YouTube with 2,000,000 users
- WhatsApp with 1,600,000 users
70. Although social media users usually are on more than one network, there's a generational divide in how many they manage at one time:
- Millennials have the most with 8.1 accounts
- Gen Z has 7.9
- Gen X has 6.3
- Baby Boomers have 4.6
(GlobalWebIndex Social Media Trends 2020)
71. There are over 140 million businesses that use Facebook and its associated properties (i.e. Instagram, Messenger, etc.) every month. (Facebook)
72. Over 100 billion messages are sent and 1 billion stories are shared through Facebook products every day. (Facebook)
73. 70% of the time spent on YouTube is through users' mobile devices. (YouTube)
74. 60% of Instagram users have discovered new products there. (Instagram)
75. Over 200 million Instagram users will visit at least one business profile every day. (Instagram)
76. People most commonly use social media in the following ways when shopping:
- Do research on products they're interested in (43%)
- Learn about brands and products from ads (27%)
- Get recommendations from their connections (24%)
(GlobalWebIndex Social Media Trends 2020)
Internet Status 4 99
77.20% of online shoppers have bought something because a social influencer recommended it. (Adobe 2019 Holiday Shopping Trends report)
78.57% of online shoppers have found holiday gift inspiration on social media. (Adobe 2019 Holiday Shopping Trends report)
Internet Status 4 95
79. On average, 11% of mobile website traffic comes from social media. (Adobe 2019 Holiday Shopping Trends report)
Nowadays, you can't imagine a world without the Internet. We use it for almost everything we do.
It is reported that by 2021 the percentage of people going online will grow to be 53.7%. The continuous increase of Internet users will also mean that technology will go through innovations, creating new opportunities and benefits of accessing the Internet.
To think that there were hardly any social media platforms and no smartphones available 15 years ago, what will the next 15 years bring?
It is hard to predict how the future of the online-world will look exactly but one thing is for sure – the Internet era has only just begun.